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Connections Preschool

We believe early childhood is a remarkable time of social, physical, emotional and cognitive development. Our goal is to support the development of children by nurturing their natural curiosity and eagerness to learn. Our Connecting to Our World for 4-year-olds and Exploring Our World for 3-year-olds curriculum consists of teacher-facilitated opportunities that allow children to explore the world around them. Children are encouraged to explore, notice, ask and answer questions, make discoveries and learn new concepts and skills through play-based social interactions with their friends and teachers. We understand parents/guardians are a child's first and most influential teachers and hope to partner with you to make this time of early learning a successful experience for you and your child.

Two preschoolers playing on carpet


Preschool Program Requirements and Information:

  • Families must live in District 196 boundaries. Find my school.
  • For the 2025-2026 school year, children must meet age requirements as of September 1, 2025 for 3- and 4-year-olds, and November 1, 2025 for Preschool Discovery.
  • Families must complete an online application.
  • Concurrent enrollment in Connections Preschool and other state and/or district funded programs cannot be accommodated (ex. Head Start or Family School).
  • Connections Preschool is a collaboration with our district's Early Childhood Special Education program.
  • Minnesota state funding allows the district to provide financial assistance in our program for families who qualify. Financial assistance can be applied for at the time of the enrollment process if your child is placed in a class.

Questions? Email us at

Connections Preschool 25-26 brochure cover

2025-2026 School Year (Starting September 2025)

Connections Preschool is accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year.

Applications received by March 9, 2025, will have priority processing. Those families will be notified via email no later than March 31, 2025, whether their child has been placed in a preschool classroom OR if they have been placed on a waiting list. 

Applications received after March 9, 2025, will be reviewed if space becomes available throughout the 2025-2026 school year (September 2025 to June 2026). You will not hear from us unless we have openings to offer throughout the 2025-2026 school year.

Due to space limitations, we cannot place all applicants.

View our brochure with preschool options for the 2025-2026 school year: English | Spanish

Technical Support
If you need access to a computer or technical support to complete the online application, email or call 952-388-1977 for an appointment or phone assistance.

Interpreter Support
For assistance in all other languages, call 952-388-1977 and leave your name, phone number and language, and you will receive a call from an interpreter who will assist you.

Sep 2025-Jun 2026 Preschool Application

Click here to view the Connections Preschool brochure

2024-2025 School Year

We are no longer accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year.

Questions? Please email

Facebook banner image and link to connect to the ECFE Facebook page

Contact Connections Preschool

Administrative Office:
Dakota Valley Learning Center (DVLC)
office 952-388-1960
address 4679 144th St. W., Apple Valley, MN 55124