Due to popular demand, District 196 Community Education is offering a six-week online class for parenting confident, compassionate children called "Parenting the Love and Logic Way™"
Parenting the Love and Logic Way™ has a new session coming up.
Sundays, April 27-Jun 8, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Class session cost $115.
In this online class, parents will learn skills and techniques for equipping their children with the character, compassion and problem-solving skills essential for becoming confident children. For four decades, this program has given specific ways to work with parents and children “when the rubber hits the road,” representing a “how-to approach” to parenting.
Through lively discussion, short video clips, readings, and written exercises with stories that teach proven techniques, the Love and Logic approach focuses on the key areas of: power struggles, enabling, learning from mistakes, setting limits, problem-solving, and more.
Registration for this class is ongoing up until the date the class starts.
To register online click here or call 651-423-7920.